Slurry lagoons
Slurry lagoons
We can deliver slurry lagoons according to individual specifications and with or without alarm system and top cover.
We offer a complete solution with separator pumps and pipe systems, which pump the slurry directly from the barns to the lagoon. We also provide all the necessary equipment for the job, from well-known manufactures of pumps and agitators. The manufactures have many years of experience with pumping and agitation of slurry.
Types of Millag slurry lagoons
Slurry lagoons can be made in all sizes. Most customers choose lagoons in sizes between 4.000 - 6.000 m3 and up to 20.000 m3 if the slurry is separated. A lagoon can be made to follow the natural shape of the area. The depth of the lagoon can vary from 3 - 6 meters, normally half the depth is under the terrain. A 40 m3 service tank connected to the slurry lagoon assures fast and easy filling and emptying without risk of damaging the membranes. The bottom of a Millag lagoon is shaped as an envelope with slight fall to a concrete sump, which in turn is connected to a service tank.
Type 1 lagoon
A construction that is in accordance with in the Danish Agricultural Construction Specification sheet no. 103.04-30. This type of lagoon is constructed with a safety membrane, an alarm system, a bottom membrane and a covering membrane. Pumps for removing water from the covering membrane is included in the scope of delivery.The covering membrane of the type 1 lagoon comes with the advantage of:
Increased content of nitrogen as no ammonia evaporates from the slurry.No rain water in the slurry which reduces the cost of spreading the slurry. Significant reduction of the smell to the benefit of the neighbours.
Type 2 lagoon
A construction with a safety membrane, an alarm system and a bottom membrane. With 2 layers of membranes and an alarm system, any leaks will be detected immediately.
Type 3 lagoon
A construction with only a bottom membrane. This is a simple construction which prevents any seepage of slurry into the soil and ground water. The type 3 lagoon can also be delivered with a covering membrane, giving it similar benefits to a type 1 lagoon.
Building a slurry lagoon
See how we build a slurry lagoon, from idea to finished solution.